Thursday, March 20, 2014

#8:Summary of Research

My extensive period of research has come to an end and I am extremely happy with all of the information I have been able to find. Mental illness in my opinion was a perfect topic to blog about because it is controversial and it is becoming the center of attention in the media, the criminal justice system and the government in general. I can come to the conclusion that mental illnesses can occur in individuals genetically, by the parents that have the same problems or by the genes, or by the society that surrounds these people. The mentally ill can easily be influenced by their own groups of people whether it be a primary or a secondary group. Mental illnesses can be mild or extremely dangerous to the point where society has to deal with a serious threat. The health care in the US is not the best in the world and as a result the mentally ill are struggling. These are no beds in hospitals or psychiatric care is too expensive so in some cases children are taken away from their own parents. Mental health issues can affect ANYONE, whether it be your best friend or the biggest celebrity on this planet because it is unpredictable. There are guidelines to help the mentally ill which include investigating the signs for a developed disease and getting help when possible. 

I believe that my topic is a main reason why today's society has so many flaws. The fact that the government funding isn't enough still continues to shock me because these individuals have full knowledge that it's a serious issue. Many important senators have already taken their own initiatives to pass bills in their own states but unfortunately it is not enough! The population that is mentally strong is lucky to possess the capabilities to not be a victim of the problems that are increasing in numbers every single day. Everyone needs to take a stand to help mental illness, to do more research for cures and to fund for any aid that is currently available. Let's HELP EVERYONE to MAKE SOCIETY BETTER. 

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