Monday, March 3, 2014

#6: Celebrities and mental health

As my newest portion of research for my topic, I came across mental health and many celebrities that are fighting to deal with their disorders. Even though we look up to many famous individuals, we think they're role models and we follow their every day lives, they are ALL battling their own internal problems. Fame causes many to get caught up in the fast paced lifestyle that they can't ever escape. Chris Brown is a prime example of this. He started his musical career and was successful thanks to his melodic voice and dance moves. After the whole incident with his girlfriend at the time Rihanna occurred, his life was headed in a downward spiral. Now news reports, along with this article, are stating that Brown is still trying to cope with the problems he has developed and is struggling to recover in the rehabilitation center he enrolled in. The many doctors have diagnosed Chris Brown with anger issues, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a serious mental health disorder. Additional reports are saying that Brown is trying his best to deal with his impulsive behavior after repeated run ins with the law.

As I was reading this piece I grew increasingly upset about all the celebrities and their troubles. I felt sorry for many of them because they become so immersed and influenced by all the money and attention, that it completely ruins their lives and changes them forever. I think it's great that Chris Brown has made an effort to stay in a mental rehabilitation center and that he has willingly taken steps to get better. Many other famous people are a little less fortunate, stubborn and oblivious to the fact that they have a problem. Unfortunately a good amount of them figure it out when it's already too late, greats such as Corey Monteith, Amy Winehouse and Philip Seymour Hoffman were all valiantly fighting addictions caused most likely from their fame and the opportunities they were given throughout their careers. I hope that celebrities take some time once in a while to evaluate themselves and get help when they need it.


1 comment:

  1. 2. It was very interesting that celebrities who seem to have everything are actually struggling more than the average person mentally. I never thought of fame as something that could contribute to the mental stability of a person. When I was reading about Chris Brown and what he did in magazines and seeing it on TV I was stunned. I was always a fan of Chris Brown and I put him on a pedestal as if he was better than all of us. After his incident I just assumed he was spoiled and angry because he did not get his way and took it out on his girlfriend. After reading this I realized that Chris Brown was and still is suffering from mental disorders which caused him to commit his various crimes. Its sad that sometimes having everything such as wealth, success and people who idolize you isn't enough to cure you from mental instability. Mental instability is a scary thing and it can affect even the best of is. It is hard to understand why people who have everything can't be happy, while normal people who don't have everything live full and happy lives.
